What do I need to know about dental implants?
Implantation has become a routine procedure in innovative dental practices. A modern and safe therapeutic method for replacing one or more missing teeth. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the treatment. For most patients, worries and fears disappear during and after the procedure.

When is tooth implantation recommended?
  • If you have partial edentulism (toothlessness) and want a fixed dental prosthesis, but this is not feasible due to the lack of properly located and strong tooth abutment
  • If you have a partial edentulism (toothlessness), a fixed-bridge prosthesis would be feasible, but you do not want to have your healthy teeth ground down
  • If you have a removable denture but cannot get used to it and want a fixed dental prosthesis
  • If you have a complete edentulism and cannot use your denture, or simply want a more stable solution so you can eat and smile with confidence again
Step-by-step procedure for tooth implantation

The first step is a free consultation with our internationally experienced oral surgeon-implantologist, who will examine you, perform the necessary diagnostic imaging tests and prepare a treatment plan with a written quotation.

2. It is very important that your tooth structure and the tissues that support your teeth are healthy for a successful implant procedure, because without this, the 99.5% implant success rate is reduced. Therefore, all other necessary treatments should be carried out before implantation.

These interventions are:
  • Dental scalings
  • Treatment of periodontal diseases
  • Caries treatment
  • Removal of unsalvageable teeth, dental roots

3. The implant can then be inserted under sterile conditions under local anaesthesia. The duration of the implantation depends on the number of implants and any additional bone replacement procedures. However, on average, it can be said that it normally takes no more than 45-60 minutes to place a single implant into the bone. At the end of the procedure, the surgical wound is closed with sutures, which are removed a week later at the follow-up examination.

4. This is followed by a recovery phase, which lasts on average 3 months. During this time, the correct contact between the artificial dental root and the bone is formed (osseointegration) and the implant becomes load bearing. If your edentulism is in a visible area, we can provide a temporary dental prosthesis for this period to reduce discomfort.

5. After the healing period, a control X-ray is taken to check the integration of the artificial dental root and the absence of inflammation.

6. After healing, the impression elements are inserted into the implants and the preparation of the dental prosthesis can begin.

Dental bone graft
The implant can only be placed in a bone of the right quantity and quality. If these conditions are not met, you may need dental bone graft procedures, which your doctor will advise you about in detail.